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  • Writer's pictureKate Hale


In Italian, the word "ciao" has a double meaning: hello and goodbye.

Goodbye. Goodbye to my friends and family, who I'll be leaving behind in Texas. Goodbye to Texas. Goodbye to Whataburger and Chick-fil-a. Goodbye to the United States, full of large-portioned food and sugary drinks. Goodbye to my comfort zone.

Hello. Hello to Italy. Hello to the new people I will meet. Hello to the delicious food and rich history that lives within Florence. Hello to all of the cities I'll be visiting. Hello to new friends. Hello to putting my Italian skills to the test.

As I sit at my gate at the DFW International Airport, I'm reminded of both what I will be temporarily leaving behind, and the new adventures I will encounter. While I am saddened by the goodbyes, I could NOT be more excited for the "hellos".

Not going to lie, airports EASILY stress me out. Checking bags, getting boarding passes, going through security...all things that could easily induce a headache. However, this was a little different. I've always been accompanied by friends or family when going through the airport...not this time. I am officially on my own for this one, and as much as I thought I wasn't ready...I am. I've been anticipating this trip for over three years now, and it's kind of weird to think that it's finally here!

I've got a long couple of days of traveling ahead of me! Two connections and an eight-hour layover in Madrid will be good for the soul. I've got some good books, a ton of shows to binge on Netflix, and a surprisingly positive attitude.

My adventures await.


(I do not own this photograph.)

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